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Jailbreaking The iPhone 5

Jailbreaking is always a hotly debated topic for iPhone 5 owners. As it is not an easy decision to make but here are some of the positive highlights that you may have overlooked whilst considering jailbreaking. If you are new to this here are some basic but important questions that will further help you find out if jailbreaking is for you.

Is jailbreaking legal? Yes, jailbreaking your iPhone and or iPod touch is legal. However, in some cases jailbreaking might affect your warranty.

Is Jailbreaking difficult? No, jailbreaking is a very short and easy process and furthermore is a breeze to use once done.

Why should I jailbreak my device? Well here is a list of a few of the main reasons on why you should jailbreak your iPhone 5.

1. The biggest and best reason for anybody to jailbreak his or her iPhone or iPod is too finally be able to customize and take control of the iOS firmware. With the ability to jailbreak, you truly can personalize iOS to be exactly as you want it to be.

2. Jailbreaking also allows you to vastly improve the level of security of your device. As everything you want can be locked and encrypted so that your personal information does not get in the wrong hands even in a worst-case scenario.

3. Customize iOS to your heart’s content. As with jailbreaking, the sky is the limit on how you want the iOS software to look and respond. Everything from how the apps look to how the applications work can be customized to your preference. Furthermore, the whole iOS experience can feel new and vibrant instead of the same old iOS since 2008.

4. Tethering your network data although supported in the latest iOS software is quite limited. After successfully jailbreaking, though you can truly experience and use tethering and untethering as it is meant to be. Tether to your laptop in a 100% legal and most importantly for free.

5. Siri was a revolutionary assistant software with many useful orders. Nevertheless, its functionality is restricted at best. Jailbreaking will allow you to fully unlock the potential of Siri as you can make her use apps, tell jokes and better understand what it is that you need and how to best display it to you.

6. Having multiple users has always been a dream of iDevice owners but thanks to jailbreaking is a reality due to numerous apps. So now, there is no need for the whole family to be stuck with just one Apple ID.

7. With jailbreaking, you can finally use your favorite apps as your default options. No need to use Apple maps if do not want to as your primary map service. Simply change the default app for map to Google maps. This can be done with a huge array of apps so that your favorite apps are always the default choice.

Best of all if you jailbreak and feel that it is not for you. You can simply restore your iDevice back to its default state. As jailbreaking is easily reversible allowing you to go back to the standard iOS whenever you want.

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